
Friday 29 September 2017

Reflection of the term

My Reflection for the term is sports because we all have a try in  sports and try new games and we all will be fit and its fun going to sports after school because you get to play a sport that you like and also see your friends after school its just so fun

Tuesday 26 September 2017

What is a tornado

          What is a Tornado
Strong wind meets up with the cloud’s then the warm air from earth goes up. The strong wind force’s the warm air to twist with the strong wind.
Once the strong wind and warm air are combined they start twisting for a little while. It will create a thunderstorm.
When you know there’s going to be a tornado the sky will look dark,then the shape of the tornado will start to appear.
The strong wind and warm air will still be combined. Strong wind and warm air will make a tornado bigger.

The tornado will start moving and anything that’s in its way it will get pulled in the tornado,tornadoes mostly happen in United States of America.Image result for tornado

Tuesday 19 September 2017

The Mural

Image result for Riff raff the statueGazing at the mural I look at Rif raf trying to remember where his statue is. A lightning logo was placed on his metal box that he was standing on. He was wearing a weird looking outfit, it looked like he was in the circus but I guess that’s what they wore.

Monday 18 September 2017

The lonely dice

The lonely dice rolled down the sandy hill. It was a dark and stormy night it got struck by lightning then with one blink it turns into a giant dice. It stays on the edge of it’s body the waves pulling the dice into the water but the dice’s weight was to strong. The clouds were moving faster getting closer passing each other. Drip, drip, light feathered drops were coming down giving warning that it’s starting to pour.

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Wednesday 13 September 2017

moari shapes

Is graffiti art or is it messy

Graffiti can be art and sometimes it can’t it just depends on what you do graffiti can be a wonderful piece it makes the streets full of color. But some people think it’s messy the person that does spray can put rude signs and parents won’t like it if their children see it.

Jogging for my morning run I jog in the alley way then I spot something a full wall covered in spray paint ‘wow’ I was amazed

Tuesday 12 September 2017

moari words for moari languge week

Ta ke - take
Kai pai rawa - by choice
Tino pai - very good
Morena tamariki ma - good morning class
pangarau - maths
Tuhituhi - writing
Ratu - tuesday
Eto - stand
Enoho - sit
Toi - art
Tahi - one
Troa - two
Toru - three
Fa - four
Rima five
Ono - six
Fetu - seven
Woru - eight
Ewa - nine

Tiko - ten

Monday 11 September 2017

On my way to school

I was awoken by my mum ‘wake up darling you have to go to school’, we pack our bags and especially the emergency kit. when we went outside I saw that it was still twilight I look at  the time it was 6 am we start our journey. The ice was freezing my hands were numb. I  couldn’t really hold on anything because my hands didn’t have that much grip. We crossed over a stream I saw that it was leading to the ocean. Then I saw an iceberg the sun was rising its bright colors reminded me of a hot sunny day licking ice cream. We also brought a stick, we poke the ice that were about to step to make sure that  it will hold us because sometimes ice can break so we make sure if it’s strong or not. My friend and I run ahead but we make sure we don’t slip. We wait for the stragglers to come catch up, we stop and have a hot chocalote but the adults had coffie

Friday 8 September 2017

Kakariki house

Image result for kakariki house hamilton east

We hop on the bus rrrrrr the engine roars like a tiger. We travel to hamilton east school to Kakariki house on grey street. I look out the window ‘‘wow what a view’’ the bus stops ‘‘wow we're already here’’ bunch of elephants stomp inside ‘‘shhhhh we have to be really quiet’’ we step quietly like mouse. We enter the greenhouse. My favourite painting was shells there were shells painted it was a curious piece there were lines but I couldn’t tell what it was saying.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Waiting in the dark

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The black cat scanned the room with her silvery eyes. Her pupule of her eye was big she was hunting for a meal, the cat’s soft fur was sticking out, her fluffy paws placed on the ground every time she took a step. Her whiskers sense danger coming her way. She waited for her prey to come a bit closer so she could get a better shot...

she pounced!

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Similes and meaphors

Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 4.42.00 PM.pngSimiles and metaphors
My writing group learned similes and metaphors you might think that they're the same but they’re not metaphors are the thing that youre saying a simile is something like it. Here are some of mine…
Her eyes are pitch black like the sky simile
Her eyes are a pitch black sky metaphor
Her sharp claws are knifes metaphor

Her sharp claws are like knifes.

Monday 4 September 2017

moment in time

Sprinting as fast as I can sweat coming down my forehead.Running like a cheetah running against its enemy reaching closer to the finish, My heart pumping like its havinf a party, spectators cheering me on. I start to jog on the muddy steep hill, trying not to trip. My legs wanting to stop but I keep on going.