
Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Tongue Twisters

      Tongue twisters
In room 8 we did tongue twisters our teacher first searched up some, it was hard when she finished we started to make our own some were tricky and others weren't here are the ones I made
Shelly sun sat by the sun 3x (you have to say it fast) bumble bee by the wee bumble bum 3x
Puppy bumpy puppy lumpy 3x
Can a black rack make a cat black 3x
Egg weak leak beak EKK 2x

Reflection It was hard to say it because I had to do it fast it is also fun to make tongue twisters.


  1. HI Maria i like your tongue twisters i liked the Shelly one it was really hard. Quartez Rm 8

    1. thank you quartez some were to hard I could'nt say some if them
