
Wednesday 26 July 2017

Tongue Twisters

      Tongue twisters
In room 8 we did tongue twisters our teacher first searched up some, it was hard when she finished we started to make our own some were tricky and others weren't here are the ones I made
Shelly sun sat by the sun 3x (you have to say it fast) bumble bee by the wee bumble bum 3x
Puppy bumpy puppy lumpy 3x
Can a black rack make a cat black 3x
Egg weak leak beak EKK 2x

Reflection It was hard to say it because I had to do it fast it is also fun to make tongue twisters.


Subject  (2)                         
Description (4)
Action  (6)
Feeling (8)
Conclusion (2)   
Rahina te 24 o Hongongoi
In room 8 we did cinquain poetry first we needed to learn syllables like my name is Ma ri a I’ve made some poems so it goes like this
Movies (2)
Are fun to watch (4)
Eating popcorn yum yum (6)
Feeling scared might give me a fright (8)
3D (2)
It doesn't have to rhyme you just have to follow the numbers here’s another that I made.
Mother (2)
Is sweet and kind (4)
Yummy food on my plate (6)
She makes my day just by smiling (8)
Great mum (2) well that’s all I did

Reflection At the start it was hard but then it got easier it was also fun to do.

Friday 7 July 2017

My Genius hour Reflection.

Screen Shot 2017-04-21 at 3.25.42 pm.png

My Big Question Was: How can we recycle meterials in the nature trail with- out using money.

I answered this by: Queastions and our slide show

Challenges I faced were: Me and my buddy kept on arguing on where we were going to put our project.

Next time I would change: Next time I would rather be doing our project more often then our slide show



  • Search a flower with a vase
  • Cotton buds
  • White paper
  • Paint
  •  Sketching pencil [if you want]


Image result for colour wheel1 First you need to search up what flower you would like to draw 2 After you drawed what you like grab the colours you want to use and with the paint that you're using go over the pencil with dots this affects the colour wheel. 3 After you finished your pointillism picture if you like add some shadows add a background to make it out stand more.

When I tried it, it was hard at the start but then it got easier.This is how it turned out for me.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Miniya the Robot

My invention is a robot but not an ordinary robot so the big question is what invention would you so to make life easier, well I came up with an idea so this is how it works a human has the energy in its body then the human pass’s it to the robots entertainer on the left shoulder then you click the ON button. There will appear buttons you click a button and it transform onto it, it has a small trunk to balance.

The wheels are so it can move,it has long arms and rubbery fingers. This invention is most needed for old people and people in wheelchairs it also helps when there might be a burglar in the house or something fell downstairs there will be a light on so the person feels safe it will scan your body to make sure you're the owner and also it will know you by your voice it will

     Help you in the kitchen and help carry things to the car or to the house this robot's name is Miniya.